Deanna Altomara

Science Storyteller

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New Blog!

My first post is live on Destination HealthEU, the blog for the Center for the Study of Human Health! Check it out to learn more about my summer! (Hint: it was amazing!)

Check out my first podcast!

Watch the Video Animation here: Did Climate Change Cause the Black Plague? Find the transcript here: Video Animation

My Year in Books!

I always love this Goodreads feature analyzing the books I’ve read this year…what have you been reading? Goodreads Year in Books

A Matter of Life and Death: Can We Explain Near-Death Experiences?

Momento mori. Remember that, you too, will die.    You are going to die. It is a fact. But what is death going to be like? What happens in those final few minutes of life—and the ones that come immediately… Continue Reading →

Everything is Awesome!

My story about a boy with autism, “Everything is Awesome” has won first place in Pen 2 Paper’s writing disability contest! Thank you CTD! Pen 2 Paper

Pen 2 Paper

No matter who you are or what society has labeled you, you are special and worth the world! Yesterday was #worldmentalhealthday and this is why I’m proud that my short story about a boy with autism has placed as a finalist in… Continue Reading →

Throwback to Ageless!

This is an article that appeared online back in 2013, when I published Ageless and Project Inspire…hope you enjoy!   Mahwah High Schooler Publishes First Novel

Five Star Review from Readers’ Favorite!

Ageless received a Five Star Review from Readers’ Favorite! Click the link below to read it:

Who’s That Indie Author? Deanna Altomara

I was featured on Book Club Mom! Check it out at: Who’s That Indie Author? Deanna Altomara

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